Why not make 2025 the year you open a restaurant in your home town?
Daft question, I suppose – after all, you’re reading this blog, so I’m guessing opening your own restaurant is a pretty serious ambition of yours. Is this a dream you’ve had for a long time, or something more recent? Perhaps this is your first time considering starting your own business?
In my experience, there’s usually something that triggers people into wanting to go into business for themselves. Usually, it’s a bad year at work, a feeling that you’re not valued and appreciated, a change in personal circumstances, or just the realisation that you want to achieve so much more with your life.
What was it for you?
Whatever the reason, the end of 2024 could be an opportunity for you to look back at what is important to you, and what opportunities you have to make a real change in your life.
Don’t let your dreams become just another sad high street statistic
It’s a sad but very common sight. Most new businesses struggle to last more than a year or two, and restaurants in town centre locations face their own particular challenges when balancing costs and attracting new customers. Everyone of those empty units represents a dream that didn’t make it, unfortunately. Launching a new restaurant is tough!

However, that doesn’t have to be you
Just Pizza & Pasta brings the concept, and their franchise model provides the blueprint. If you can bring the desire and ambition to make it work, then suddenly you have a winning recipe!
Franchising provides so many benefits vs. going it alone, so if you’re considering making your dream a reality in 2025, why don’t we talk about it some more? Don’t forget, that empty high street unit could also be an opportunity just waiting for you to step in and transform it into something truly special.
It takes 7 years to become an “overnight success” – except for you, of course!
You wouldn’t know it now when you see just how successful Just Pizza & Pasta is, but Mitch started out as a night club owner, and only took on the restaurant site because an opportunity came up that he felt was too good to miss. That was 7 years ago and, it certainly hasn’t always been easy, but it’s turned out to be the best decision he ever made.
No-one is ever born as an expert in the restaurant trade, obviously, and training courses will only ever teach you so much. The kind of skills you need to succeed in this industry only come from being hands-on with a business, making mistakes, and learning lessons the hard way.

It will be no exception for you when you get started, with one big difference: you won’t be alone
You’ll benefit from all his experience and can skip through a great deal of the challenges and obstacles new restaurants face because he’s already done it for you and will be right there by your side.
It is this level of support and mentorship that really sets this opportunity apart.
Don’t let another New Year’s resolution pass you by in 2025
Good intentions are all very well, but there’s a huge difference between saying and doing. We can make all sorts of promises to ourselves, but once the cold reality of January rolls around, it’s a different matter, isn’t it?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We all do it…. but this year really could be different.
With a Just Pizza & Pasta franchise, you really can have it all in the New Year!
The first step is the easiest one of them all. Just click here to book a call and we can take you through how a Just Pizza & Pasta franchise can help you create the future you deserve.